Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Vegetarian Spinach Stew: Illustrated Recipe

Nutrition Fact: 
This green lead is This food is low in Saturated Fat, and very low in Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Niacin, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, Copper and Manganese. 1 cup of cooked spinach contains 377% Vitamin A, 29% Vitamin C, Calcium 24%, Iron 36%.

  • 400 g Frozen Spinach
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 lemon
  • 5 cups water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • black pepper to taste
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil


Preheat a pot, prepare your cutting board and a sharp kitchen knife.

Start chopping the garlic

Now, finely chop the onions.

Add 2 tbsp of Olive Oil to the preheated pot.

Add the garlics and the onions, and keep stirring, on a Medium heat, 
for about 3 minutes or until golden.

Meanwhile, roughly dice the tomatoes. The tomatoes are high in nutrients 
so I love adding them to my recipes. If you like you could also 
add some sprigs of chopped fresh cilantro.

When the onions and garlics are golden add the tomatoes and stir
for about 5 minutes or until the tomatoes are half way cooked.

Now add 5 cups of water.

Add black pepper, salt and lemon juice and bring to a boil.

 When the water boils add the frozen spinach to the pot, keep cooking
on a medium heat until it starts boiling again then reduce the
heat to Low.

Keep cooking for 10 minutes or until the spinach is well cooked
and have a darker green color.
If you wish you could make it a soup by adding 2 extra
cups of water, 1 diced potato head and 1/4 cup of lentils.
Bon Appétit!

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Mediterranean Spinach Stew With Rice
Chicken Parmesan: Illustrated Recipe

Kitchen Accessories Suggestions

RHS Hooker's Orchard Double Oven Glove RHS Hooker's Orchard Double Oven Glove
RHS Hooker's Orchard Double Oven Glove by Ulster Weavers

Rooster Coasters  Pack of 4 Rooster Coasters Pack of 4
Rooster Coasters Pack of 4 by Ulster Weavers

Bunny Shaped Tea Cosy Bunny Shaped Tea Cosy
Bunny Shaped Tea Cosy by Ulster Weavers

Patchwork Cats Child's PVC Apron Patchwork Cats Child's PVC Apron
Patchwork Cats Child's PVC Apron by Ulster Weavers

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Family Fun Crafts: Funny Cup Faces

funny cup faces

If you're low on supplies then this is the perfect craft for you. Take your child to the back yard and let her pick up some leaves and flowers, get some shells you have saved from your last trip to the beach and you have yourself those funny cups!

Supplies Needed

  1. Plastic Cups
  2. Flowers and Leaves
  3. Sea Shells
  4. Googly Eyes or a black marker
  5. Red construction paper for the mouth
  6. Optional: BBQ Wooden Stick 
  7. Glue


Decorate your cups with these accessories and once you are finished glue a stick so you can use it as a puppet! Enjoy!


  • Crafting allows you to spend some quality time with your kid as long as it will teach him to discipline his gestures and be creative.
  • Let your child decorate his cup the way he wants, just help him with the glue if he is under 4 so he won't get very messy.

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Funny Animal Head Straws

Funny Smurfette Paper Puppet

Monday, August 06, 2012

Weekly Menu (2)

family eating together

To help you with your daily cooking, How To Be Super Mom decided to post weekly menus.

Weekly Menu

Tuesday (Vegetarian) : Vegetarian Artichoke Stew with Sautéed Spaghetti

Wednesday (Chicken): Chicken Parmesan, Vegetable Sauté 

Thursday: Left Overs Day *

Friday (Vegetarian) : Tomato Soup, Super Mom Salad, Double Cheese Baked Potatoes


* Let Thursday be a cooking free day, take a break from that kitchen and serve Left Overs.

P.S : All the recipes corresponding to the dishes mentioned in the menu will be posted on How To Be Super Mom. If you don't find the recipe you are looking for be sure that it will be added soon.

Related Posts

family eating together
Weekly Menu 2

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Staying at Home Mother: Tips For a Better Life.

super mom

Mildred B. Vermont said and I quote:  “Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love”.  I agree with her, pure love or more specifically emotions are a much better reward than money since that last one is easily spent, lost or stolen when feelings can grow deeper and stronger through time. Being a mother is a gift that we should all cherish and learn to enjoy every minute spent with our children. Nevertheless in this article I am trying to underline the hard life a staying at home mother could be leading and I chose to write about that since I am one of them. I have been so tired from running around all day that I am not sure if I still know how to appreciate motherhood anymore. Raising children is a very hard task maybe the hardest. And we need to have very good skills up our sleeves to be able to manage taking care of these children, alone, without any help. And when you are a staying at home mom you have to add the fact that you are stuck at home most of the time, you don’t get to interact with people as often as working mothers do, your social life is nearly dead and you find yourself eventually drowned in loneliness. And this could be the shot of mercy! That is why I came up with few tips to help myself, first, and every staying at home mother lead a fair relaxing life with children.     
  1. Friends: Don’t let your life and your marriage push you away from you friends. To survive you need to socialize, to have acquaintances, someone you could go out with for a cup of coffee or plan a game of poker! Someone you could talk to when you find yourself miserable. It is beautiful to have your husband as your best friend but sometimes you might need a good friend to talk to about your marital problems and in that case your spouse won’t be a good choice. And you don’t want to find yourself alone in such hard time cause then you will feel petrified!
  2. Time Out: Yes you do need that and you know it! But when can you squeeze that break when you have to cook, clean, run errands, spend time with your kids, bathe them, read them a story, and last but not least take care of your own hygiene, and – yes- get some sleep! And we forgot to mention your love life. So in general your day is similar to a crazy journey at a kids’ fair. Time Out! Cancel one of your tasks and take a time off: you can read a little, have a cup of coffee or just lay down idly watching television or thinking blank. It doesn’t matter how you spend your break but it is important to have a small time during the day to breathe and relax.
  3. Plan an outing: Once a week get a baby sitter and get out from that crazy mansion.  You could plan a day out with your significant other, lunch with your friends or just a lonely outing to run away from your troubles. Details don’t matter,  what is important is for you to have the chance, once a week, to relax from running after the kids all day and have a day for yourself.
    Pamper yourself mother you deserve it!
If you follow these tips I guarantee you a smoother life as staying at home mother. So please try your best and remember that even though a staying at home mother is the most restless non profitable job in the world and even if every time or so you wish you were able to quit remember that it's the best job in the world cause your boss are your children and they love you unconditionally. It's true that you're not getting materially paid but your building for what's more important and that is a long, strong, intimate relationship with your children that will last longer than anything money could buy and it has an increasing value over the time. Be happy you're a staying at home mom .

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Depression in New Mothers: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment Alternatives Depression in New Mothers: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment Alternatives
Depression is the number one cause of maternal death in developed countries and results in adverse health outcomes for both mother and child. It is vital, therefore, that health professionals are ready and able to help those women that suffer from perinatal and postpartum depression (PPD). This book provides a comprehensive approach to treating PPD in an easy-to-use format. It reviews the research and brings together the evidence-base for understanding the causes and for assessing the different treatment options, including those that are safe for use with breastfeeding mothers. It incorporates a new psychoneuroimmunology framework for understanding postpartum depression and includes chapters on:
  • Negative birth experiences
  • Infant characteristics
  • Psychosocial factors
  • Antidepressant medication
  • Therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Herbal medicine and alternative therapies
  • Suicide and infanticide
Invaluable in treating the mothers who come to you for help, this helpful guide dispels the myths that hinder effective treatment and presents up-to-date information on the impact of maternal depression on the health of the mother, as well as the health and well-being of the infant.

The Ghost in the House: Real Mothers Talk about Maternal Depression, Raising Children, and How They Cope The Ghost in the House: Real Mothers Talk about Maternal Depression, Raising Children, and How They Cope
An award-winning reporter for the "Washington Post," Tracy Thompson was thirty-four when she was hospitalized and put on suicide watch during a major depressive episode. This event, the culmination of more than twenty years of silent suffering, became the point of departure for an in-depth, groundbreaking book on depression and her struggle with the disease. "The Beast" shattered stereotypes and inspired countless readers to confront their own battles with mental illness. Having written that book, and having found the security of a happy marriage, Thompson assumed that she had learned to manage her illness. But when she took on one of the most emotionally demanding jobs of all being a mother depression returned with fresh vengeance. Very quickly Thompson realized that virtually everything she had learned up to then about dealing with depression was now either inadequate or useless. In fact, maternal depression was a different beast altogether. She tackled her problem head-on, meticulously investigating the latest scientific research and collecting the stories of nearly 400 mothers with depression. What she found was startling: a problem more widespread than she or any other mother struggling alone with this affliction could have imagined. Women make up nearly 12 million of the 19 million Americans affected by depression every year, experiencing episodes at nearly twice the rate that men do. Women suffer most frequently between the ages of twenty-five and forty-four not coincidentally, the primary childbearing years. "The Ghost in the House," the result of Thompson's extensive studies, is the first book to address maternal depression as a lifelong illness that can have profound ramifications for mother and child. A striking blend of memoir and journalism, here is an invaluable resource for the millions of women who are white-knuckling their way through what should be the most satisfying years of their lives. Thompson offers her readers a concise summary of the cutting-edge research in this field, deftly written prose, and, above all, hope.

The Postpartum Effect: Deadly Depression in Mothers The Postpartum Effect: Deadly Depression in Mothers
A Mothers Tears presents a caring and knowledgeable picture of postpartum depression. Psychologist Arlene M. Huysman explains the very real hormonal and emotional causes of what was once dismissed as the baby blues, defines who is at risk, and shows readers how to recognize the illness. She also describes proper treatment, explains how to make sure ones doctor is an ally, and discusses how family can help new mothers get well again. This primer on the causes and cures of this common but long-misunderstood illness contains a new chapter presenting the most up-to-date research and developments.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Super Mom's Chicken Parmesan

chicken parmesan

Healthy and Quick Recipe

* Tip: Always Marinate your chicken in olive oil, lemon, onion powder and garlic powder. You can either prepare them 24 hours ahead and store them in the fridge or if you take one trip a month to the supermarket, marinate all your chicken and store them in the freezer.


  • 600 g halved, marinated boneless chicken breasts
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs
  • 3 tbsp parmesan
  • 2 tbsp Canola oil
  • 400 g tomato sauce
  • 1 tbsp dried basil
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 150g Mozzarella Cheese
  • 1/4 tsp white pepper
  • Salt and Black Pepper to taste


cooking ingredients
 Prepare the breadcrumbs, black pepper, salt, 1 tbsp Parmesan and white pepper.

breadcrumbs mix 
Mix all in a bowl

coating chicken with breadcrumbs
 Coat chicken pieces with breadcrumbs mix.

cooking chicken
Preheat a pan.
Pour Canola Oil, and cook the chicken until golden brown.
Note that the excess of breadcrumbs might burn a little, but don't worry you can remove that excess. In the popular recipe, chicken is usually fried but to keep it light, I only use 2 tbsp of oil so we are practically baking and not frying which may burn some of the breadcrumbs.

preparing tomato sauce 
Meanwhile, prepare the tomato sauce: add 1 tbsp Parmesan, dried basil, salt, black pepper and garlic powder.

placing chicken in a casserole
Place the chicken in an oven proof baking dish.

covering chicken with tomato sauce

Place 1 tbsp of tomato sauce over every piece of chicken.
sprinkle cheese on chicken

Sprinkle them with Mozzarella and 1 tbsp of Paremsan.

chicken parmesan

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.
Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil.
Bake for 20 minutes.

chicken parmesan

And here it is, a delicious, healthy and light casserole of chicken Parmesan.

chicken parmesan

Serve with corn or mashed potatoes

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Low Cost Weekly Menu (1)

I hope you will find this menu helpful and easy. I chose low cost recipes. Please note that we will be linking this menu to the recipes as soon as we post them, meanwhile if you don't know all the recipes you can search for them at until we post How To Be Super Mom special cooking method.

Monday:  Mediterranean Spinach Stew With Rice

Tuesday: Spaghetti al forno with Garden Salad

Wednesday: Shephard's Pie with Cabbage and Tomato Salad

Thursday: Left Overs*

Friday: Vegetable Stew with Rice

Saturday: Super Mom Delicious HotDog Sandwich

Sunday: Fish and Potato Casserole

* Let Thursday be a cooking free day, take a break from that kitchen and serve Left Overs.

Related Posts

Weekly Menu 1

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Colored Rice: How-To

It is as easy as a piece of cake. All you need is rice, food coloring and a plastic bag

colored rice

colored rice

colored rice

Supplies Needed

  • Rice
  • Food Coloring: Blue- Yellow-Red
  • Plastic bags
  • Gloves (optional)


  1. Put a handful of rice in a plastic bag
  2. Add 2 drops of a food coloring of your choice
  3. Shake well
  4. Place rice on a paper towel and allow to dry


You can mix food coloring to create more colors
Yellow+ Red =Orange

Yellow+ Blue= Green

Red +    Blue= Purple


How To Be Super Mom will be posting new crafts everyday, if you liked our page please add us to your mailing list and visit our Facebook page and Like us.
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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Green Salad


  • 10 leaves Romain Lettuce, shredded
  • 3 Lebanese cucumbers, sliced
  • 1 green pepper or capsicum, sliced
  • 1 bunch of Rocket leaves
  • 1 bunch of fresh Thyme

 Mustard Dressing:
  • 1/4 cup regular mustard
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • pinch of salt
  • black pepper to taste


Toss all the salad ingredients together, add the dressing and serve immediately.

Search my blog for more delicious recipes!
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Steak with Lemon Sauce

Steak with masked potatoes

My Mother In-Law Taught Me This Delicious and Easy Recipe


2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
600 g beef steaks ( about 5 portions)
1/8 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup red wine
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cube beef Maggi
Salt and Black Pepper to taste
1 tbsp corn starch


  1. In  a preheated grill skillet, sauté the garlic in olive oil.
  2. When golden, add the steaks and flip over until the surface is cooked.
  3. Pour the lemon juice, wine, salt and pepper and simmer for 3 minutes.
  4. Add the boiling water and the Maggi cube, simmer for 15 minutes. 

Secret Trick: For a thicker sauce, mix corn starch with a little of cold water, pour over the mixture and boil for few minutes.

*Serve with mashed potatoes and sautéed vegetables.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Tips on Going to the Restaurant with your Baby

crying baby at a restaurant

We all need to go out, change our mood a little especially those of us who are stay at home moms. But finding a baby sitter isn't always easy and we end up stuck at home just to avoid the screaming and fussing scene our baby could perform when he is out of the house.Try following these tips to have a relaxing quiet dinner with your family.

1- Rush Hours aren't a good idea: Avoid going to the restaurant during rush hours - no Sundays, Holidays or prime times- choose  a time when it's not the busiest so if your baby decides to make a scene there won't be that many people around to see it. You'll also be seated sooner and get quicker service by dining earlier in the evening. If you can, call beforehand to find out the best time to make a reservation.

2- Choose a convenient restaurant: Not a children restaurant because it will be too crowded for you and the baby nor a five-star candlelit restaurant that will mind having children around.

3- Feed baby before you leave: Try feeding your baby before you leave the house and if you're lucky he will sleep at the work and all the way throughout the dinner.

4- A well prepared baby-bag: Get his bag ready an hour sooner so you can make sure that you haven;t forgot anything: enough diapers, wipes, a change, sippy cup or bottle anything your child will or might need.

5- Take a corner table. Ask to sit away from any other guests if you can. You won't feel as bad if Baby starts to fuss, and it will give you some privacy if you need to nurse.

6- Bring him plenty of distraction: but avoid toys that makes too much noise.

7- Make it short: a baby doesn't have so much patience to handle long hours of slow dining. As Baby gets older, he might be able to handle longer amounts of time in one place.

8- Relax. If your child does act up in the restaurant, do your best to calm him down, but don't let it ruin the evening. Chances are almost everyone in the place has been in your situation at one time or another. If fussiness does turn into a full-blown meltdown, you or your spouse can take your baby outside or to the car for a break. Sometimes a simple change of scenery does the trick.

Sometimes it sounds so hard to go out when your baby is still too young but you need a change, and you cannot end up locked in that house just because you don't know how to handle your baby at a public place. Let those "How To Be Super Mom"tips be your guide and enjoy that dinner!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Potty Training Step-By-Step Program

cartoons for a potty training child

Potty Training is a very important development in our child's life. It helps him become independent and have stronger self-confidence. Whether you have decided to choose the early training, late training or potty train at 2 years old you will need to follow some steps in order to proceed and progress. I will suggest steps to follow based on my readings and my personal experience as a mother. Noting that potty training Nour lasted 2 months, it was relatively fast, easy and I am so proud of our experience that I would love to share it with you. At 28 months she was clean day and night and since then we never experienced any sudden accidents. So allow me to offer you this small guide maybe it'll help you.

  • Buy a potty or a child's seat. In my case, we bought a beautiful colored child's seat that Nour chose herself. It is red, yellow and navy blue, she decorated it with Winnie the pooh stickers and it had built-in stairs to help her climb.
  • Decide on the terminology you will use to refer to the bladder and bowel function (wee/poo - pipi/caca ) and tell your child what the potty is for. Explain to him how big kids don't do it in their nappies - use yourself and his dad as an example since you are his role models.
  • Suggest that she sits on it to see what it's like, you can do it as a daily routine in the morning and at bedtime too.

You can start with those  first steps few months before starting the real training. Doing this you will be preparing your child to the idea of using the seat and if you do it right he will be so excited to start using the potty and the progress will be fast. Exactly what happened with my daughter. We started these steps when she was 20 months old and by the time she was 24 months old she was so excited to remove those diapers that it took us 2 months only to be completely clean, accidents-free!

  • Try to figure out what time your child usually urinates and catch the motion by putting your child on the pot/seat and if you do catch urine or stool show pleasure and approval but don't go overboard.
  • Depending on the willingness of your child, increase the frequency of pot sessions. Look at books with her while she sits on it, play games, teach her stuff ( we learned "what is this animal favorite food? "while potty training). The point about this increased length of time is that you increase the chances of something ending up in the potty. Never force her to sit on it for longer that she wants!
  • Teach your child to tell you when has passed urine or a bowel motion. Every time you change her diaper tell her: "Is pee pee annoying you honey? Maybe next time you could tell mommy so she will change your diaper fast" Same thing goes for the bowel motion. Little by little your child will learn to pass the message to you and that means she is being aware of having urinated which is more important than the awareness of impending urination or bowel motion.
  • When you feel that you're baby is happy and making some progress you can give a little more to drink before offering her to sit on the potty that way you will be increasing the chance of her urinating while sitting and that will make her so proud. They love to hear the sound of pee in the water cabinet my daughter clapped every time she went and I never forgot to cheer for her and reward her with a sticker. Always leave the big prize till the end or else you will be spending a fortune on potty training.
  • Buy her nice colored under wears, this will encourage her to remove the nappies faster.
  • At some point during the progress of the training, you should consider removing the diapers for at least 5 hours a day to make sure that she will pass urine during that time. It is a bit messy but it's worth it it will push the training forward. I owe this precious advice to a friend, and she is right. With those advance nappies a child is never annoyed from a little urine, he won't be encouraged to pee in the seat unless he feels the water going down his legs and seeing the mess it makes. 
  • When going out while still in training, put nappies on unless you think it's a safe bet she can hand on long enough not to wet herself.
  • Encourage greater independence in using the potty. Make sure the potty or the seat are easy to reach, teach your child how to pull down and up his pants and how to sit securely.
  • Try to stay as calm and happy as you can. I consider potty training to be one of the most difficult stages but hey! It'll pass faster and smoother if you take it easy - don't loose it when your kid makes a mess. Always learn to praise his efforts and never make a big deal of accidents your will discourage your child and pull the training backwards.
I hope that those steps will help you throughout your training. How to Be Super Mom is always around for help leave your comments or visit my page, Like, and leave your question.

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Sweet & Sour Star Sandwiches

Kids Meal Jam Sandwich
A Creative Sweet and Sour Snack


4 slices of bread
Apricot Jam
Strawberry Jam
Cream Cheese of your choice
Dried mint
Star cookie cutter
Small circle cookie cutter

  • Cut 8 stars out of the bread slices.
  • Choose 4 stars and make a hole in the middle of each one
  • Spread apricot jam on one whole star, top it with a holed one and spread the top with cream cheese
  • Spread strawberry jam on the other, top it with a holed star and spread it with cream cheese
  • Spread the 2 remaining stars with Labneh, top it with a holed star, spread a little Labneh as well and sprinkle with dried mint.
Bon Appétit!

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10 Water Games Kids Can Play

Before posting this article I would like to thank Debbie Denard from who recently sent me an email that said :" I spend a lot of time on the Internet browsing blogs, and I must say that yours has caught my attention. Coincidentally, we recently published an article entitled (10 Water Games Kids Can Play) that I believe would draw considerable interest from your readers. If you are interested in sharing with them, then feel free to do so" 
Thank you 

Enjoy the article!

kids water summer games

Whether it comes from a sprinkler, a swimming pool, or the beach, there’s nothing quite like playing in water in the summertime. The mere mention of water is enough to move kids to paroxysms of joy, especially when a trip to the pool is relatively rare. From the sprinkler to the shallow end, here are ten great games that kids love to play on long, hot summer days.
  1. Water Balloon War – Older kids love the competitive nature of a good, old-fashioned water balloon fight. A laundry basket makes a great container for freshly filled balloons; simply line the bottom with a towel to prevent any sharp edges from puncturing the balloons, causing them to detonate early. For a new twist on an old favorite, stage a game of dodge ball, replacing the ball with water balloons.
  2. Water Hose Limbo – Replacing the stick in a traditional round of limbo with the stream from a water hose takes the game to an entirely new level. Limbo is better with several players, so save this one for a day when your brood has their buddies over.
  3. Sponge Relay – A relay race is even more fun when the object is to fill a bucket with the water from a sponge. To play, each team gets two buckets and one sponge; one bucket is filled with water, which kids dunk their sponges into, and the other is left empty. Running to the opposite side of the “track,” each team member wrings the sponge out in the empty bucket and returns to their team. Rather than passing a baton, they pass the sponge. First team to fill their bucket wins.
  4. Marco Polo – Generations of kids have played a rousing round or two of Marco Polo whenever they were poolside; keep the tradition alive by teaching the rules of this classic game to your own youngsters.
  5. Not-Quite Piñata – Everyone loves a piñata; in this twist on the classic party game, water rains down in the place of sugary treats. Fill a ten-gallon garbage bag with water, and suspend it from an overhanging tree branch or other structure. Follow the traditional rules, allowing kids to take turns whacking at the bag with a broomstick. Helpful hint: dress kids in swimsuits, as they’ll get soaked when someone succeeds.
  6. Water Gun Tag – Put those water guns to good use by launching a tag offensive; the person who is “It” gets the water pistol, while all other players attempt to evade her. Because a successful “tag” will leave discernible evidence, there’s no disputing a changing of the guard. Don’t be surprised, however, if the chance to wield a water gun inspires kids to compete for the honor of being named “It!”
  7. Swimming Pool Ring Toss — With nothing more than a handful of ping-pong balls and an inner tube, kids can enjoy hours of entertainment. One child is put in charge of the inner tube, moving it slowly back and forth as another tries to toss the ping-pong balls into the middle. For a low-competition alternative that keeps rivalry at bay, instruct kids to work together to get all of the balls into the middle of the tube, rather than pitting one against the other to prevent it.
  8. Liquid Jump Rope — Substitute the rope for a stream of water from the hose for a great way to keep kids cool while encouraging physically active play during the warm summer months. An older child or adult should control the hose to keep the stream consistent.
  9. Sharks and Minnows – Another classic pool game, Sharks and Minnows is a variation on the traditional game of Tag, modified to suit a swimming pool. At the beginning of the game, the “minnows” line up at the side of the pool while the shark hovers in the middle. At the shark’s count of three, the minnows attempt to swim across without being tagged. When a minnow is tagged, they join forces with the shark and work to capture their former teammates; last minnow swimming is declared the winner.
  10. Swimming Pool Volley Ball – Inexpensive pool volleyball sets can be picked up at your local big-box retailer, and provide hours of summer fun. Because the resistance of the water makes it almost impossible to move quickly, a game of swimming pool volleyball becomes a bit more challenging than its dry-land counterpart. These sets often come with several rackets and a shuttlecock, allowing kids to switch to swimming pool badminton as the mood strikes them.
Though kids absolutely love them, slippery slides with small pools at the end are quite dangerous. Kids should always have strict supervision when using such toys to prevent reckless behavior. Also, pieces of rubber left behind by broken water balloons present a significant choking hazard to small children and can be dangerous to wildlife. Make cleaning up part of the game to ensure that each piece is properly disposed of, and slather on the sunscreen to avoid painful burns.