Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Back To School: Few Steps To Follow

Dear Readers, did you get ready for school yet? Let me help you with these few steps.

Medical Check-up: Take your children to the pediatrician for a “before school"medical exam. Let them get the flu shot if necessary.

Organize School Transportation: Always remember that you cannot do it all by yourself, you might need help to drive your kids to school. That is why you need to check out your school year schedule, and based on that either subscribe your kids on the school bus or take the number of neighbors and friends that can help when needed.

Make a school calendar:  to organize all the events and activities your children will have during the year.

Stock up on school supplies: other than buying all the supplies the school requests, buy some extra items that your child might lose or misplace. You can get extra glue, scissors, pencils, etc.

Go over the school’s rules with your child: Get a copy of the school’s guideline and review them with your child. Make sure he understands all the rules he should be following during the year.

Take your child on a tour for the school: Visit the school before classes start and let your child take a look at his classroom and meet with his teachers, if possible.

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