Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Homemade Hair Mask

How To Be Super Mom: Hair Mask Recipe

You sure have read a lot of articles about homemade hair masks recipe: banana and honey, eggs and milk, milk and honey,... etc. Personally, I would never put eggs in my hair nore mashed bananas!!!
Professional hair masks has an excellent shiny effect on our hair but could be really expensive!

You don't have to loose an arm and a leg to buy expensive hair masks. How To Be Super Mom will give you an affordable homemade recipe which you can use safely without having to avoid bees everytime you go out!!!
Be careful you will get addicted!!

Mix lavendar oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil and castor oil. Heat them for 10 seconds in the microwave and apply them to your wet hair.  Wear a hair mask and leave them on for as long as you can (min. 15 minutes). Then wash them with a mild shampoo and lukewarm water.

P.S: The oils are easily found at a preserve shop or at the pharmacy.

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  1. I should try it :)))) thx maria

  2. You're most welcome, it makes miracles :D Try the facial peeling as well they are superb!


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